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A cannula, also known as a hollow needle or hypodermic needle, is a hollow needle used to penetrate (puncture) human or animal tissue in order to introduce (inject) or withdraw (e.g. take blood) fluids with the aid of a syringe. Cannulas can also be used to insert a catheter which remains in the body after the cannula is withdrawn and through which the fluid is then withdrawn or supplied.

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A cannula, also known as a hollow needle or hypodermic needle, is a hollow needle used to penetrate (puncture) human or animal tissue in order to introduce (inject) or withdraw (e.g. take blood) fluids with the aid of a syringe. Cannulas can also be used to…
A cannula, also known as a hollow needle or hypodermic needle, is a hollow needle used to penetrate (puncture) human…


The following suppliers offer Cannulas products.

  • Avantor – VWR International GmbH
  • Milian SA
  • Sanität24 AG
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