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Dynamic mechanical analysis

Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) is a thermal method to determine physical properties of plastics. Dynamic mechanical analysis subjects the specimen under investigation to a time-varying sinusoidal mechanical stress as a function of temperature. This causes the sample to deform with the same period. The force amplitude, the deformation amplitude and the phase shift between the force and deformation amplitudes are measured. between the force and the deformation signal. As a result, the dynamic mechanical analysis provides the complex modulus of the specimen. The prerequisite for this is that the specimen is not loaded outside the linear elastic range (Hooke’s range) in any case.

Dynamic mechanical analysis
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Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) is a thermal method to determine physical properties of plastics. Dynamic mechanical analysis subjects the specimen under investigation to a time-varying sinusoidal mechanical stress as a function of temperature. This causes the sample to deform with the same period. The force amplitude,…
Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) is a thermal method to determine physical properties of plastics. Dynamic mechanical analysis subjects the specimen…


The following suppliers offer Dynamic mechanical analysis products.

  • Anton Paar Switzerland AG
  • Avantor – VWR International GmbH
  • Mettler-Toledo (Schweiz) GmbH
  • TA Instruments
  • Tracomme AG
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