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Extraction system

Extraction (from Latin extrahere “to pull out”) is a physical substance separation process in which a component is dissolved from a solid or liquid mixture of substances with the aid of an extraction agent (a solvent, possibly heated): The solvent draws the substance that is more soluble in it out of the mixture. In chemistry and pharmacy, extracts are the active ingredients of plant and animal substances, i.e. organic substances, dissolved and concentrated by various processes and obtained by means of solvents such as water, alcohols or oils. Extracts are used in medicines, drugs, cosmetics, food and other products. The dissolved component is then found in the extraction agent: For example, fragrant rose oil is obtained from rose petals and extraction agents, coffee and tea from roasted and ground coffee beans (or tea leaves) and hot water, or iodine from iodine water and n-hexane.

Extraction system
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Extraction (from Latin extrahere “to pull out”) is a physical substance separation process in which a component is dissolved from a solid or liquid mixture of substances with the aid of an extraction agent (a solvent, possibly heated): The solvent draws the substance that is more…
Extraction (from Latin extrahere “to pull out”) is a physical substance separation process in which a component is dissolved from…


The following suppliers offer Extraction system products.

  • Avantor – VWR International GmbH
  • Bio-Rad Laboratories Ltd.
  • Equilabo
  • Huberlab AG
  • Labgene Scientific SA
  • LabGlas AG
  • Milian SA
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