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Gel Documentation Systems

A gel documentation system, also known as a gel doc, gel image system or gel imager, refers to equipment widely used in molecular biology laboratories for the imaging and documentation of nucleic acid and protein suspended within polyacrylamide or agarose gels.[1] These gels are typically stained with ethidium bromide or other nucleic acid stains such as GelGreen. Generally, a gel doc includes an ultraviolet (UV) light transilluminator, a hood or a darkroom to shield external light sources and protect the user from UV exposure, and a CCD camera for image capturing.

Gel Documentation Systems
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A gel documentation system, also known as a gel doc, gel image system or gel imager, refers to equipment widely used in molecular biology laboratories for the imaging and documentation of nucleic acid and protein suspended within polyacrylamide or agarose gels.[1] These gels are typically stained…
A gel documentation system, also known as a gel doc, gel image system or gel imager, refers to equipment widely…


The following suppliers offer Gel Documentation Systems products.

  • Avantor – VWR International GmbH
  • Bio-Rad Laboratories Ltd.
  • Chemie Brunschwig AG
  • Faust Laborbedarf AG
  • Haslab GmbH
  • KNF Business Unit LAB
  • Labgene Scientific SA
  • LubioScience GmbH
  • Milian SA
  • Vitaris AG
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