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Hematology analyzer

Hematology instruments are analytical instruments which are commonly used in clinical / medical laboratories. They automatically evaluate the hematological status of a blood sample, including the number and distribution of the various blood cells and the hemoglobin content.

Hematology analyzer
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Hematology instruments are analytical instruments which are commonly used in clinical / medical laboratories.
They automatically evaluate the hematological status of a blood sample, including the number and distribution of the various blood cells and the hemoglobin content.

Hematology instruments are analytical instruments which are commonly used in clinical / medical laboratories. They automatically evaluate the hematological status…


The following suppliers offer Hematology analyzer products.

  • IGZ Instruments AG
  • Beckman Coulter Int. S.A.
  • Axon Lab AG
  • Siemens Healthcare AG
  • LabFinder Consulting
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