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Bunsen burners and Teclu burners are small gas burners in which the combustion gas partly draws in the combustion air itself according to the principle of a jet pump. Both variants are frequently used in chemical laboratories for heating material samples or liquids or for flaming. A grid or fine holes at the upper end of the burner prevent the flame from flashing back into the burner in modern burners. The burner is usually operated with propane, butane or town/natural gas.

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Bunsen burners and Teclu burners are small gas burners in which the combustion gas partly draws in the combustion air itself according to the principle of a jet pump. Both variants are frequently used in chemical laboratories for heating material samples or liquids or for flaming.…
Bunsen burners and Teclu burners are small gas burners in which the combustion gas partly draws in the combustion air…


The following suppliers offer burner products.

  • Avantor – VWR International GmbH
  • Huberlab AG
  • Labgene Scientific SA
  • Milian SA
  • Sanität24 AG
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific (Schweiz) AG
  • Vitaris AG
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