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Muffle furnace

Muffle furnaces are used for ashing and annealing as well as for thermal treatment under high temperatures. A muffle furnace is a furnace in which the heat source is separated from the firing chamber by a heat-resistant insert, a muffle.

Muffle furnace
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Muffle furnaces are used for ashing and annealing as well as for thermal treatment under high temperatures.
A muffle furnace is a furnace in which the heat source is separated from the firing chamber by a heat-resistant insert, a muffle.

Muffle furnaces are used for ashing and annealing as well as for thermal treatment under high temperatures. A muffle furnace…


The following suppliers offer Muffle furnace products.

  • Avantor – VWR International GmbH
  • Huberlab AG
  • Milian SA
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