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Petri dishes

A Petri dish is a shallow, round, transparent dish with an overlapping lid, usually used in biology, medicine or chemistry. Petri dishes are often used for the cultivation of microorganisms and cell culture. 

Petri dishes
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A Petri dish is a shallow, round, transparent dish with an overlapping lid, usually used in biology, medicine or chemistry. Petri dishes are often used for the cultivation of microorganisms and cell culture. 
A Petri dish is a shallow, round, transparent dish with an overlapping lid, usually used in biology, medicine or chemistry.…


The following suppliers offer Petri dishes products.

  • Avantor – VWR International GmbH
  • Chemie Brunschwig AG
  • Huberlab AG
  • LabGlas AG
  • Milian SA
  • Vitaris AG
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