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Protein Gel staining system

Proteins separated by gel electrophoresis can be visualized using various staining techniques. In many cases, the choice of staining technique depends on the availability of imaging equipment in the laboratory. Examples include Coomassie staining, silver staining, and fluorescent staining.

Protein Gel staining system
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Proteins separated by gel electrophoresis can be visualized using various staining techniques. In many cases, the choice of staining technique depends on the availability of imaging equipment in the laboratory.
Examples include Coomassie staining, silver staining, and fluorescent staining.

Proteins separated by gel electrophoresis can be visualized using various staining techniques. In many cases, the choice of staining technique…


The following suppliers offer Protein Gel staining system products.

  • Avantor – VWR International GmbH
  • Bio-Rad Laboratories Ltd.
  • Chemie Brunschwig AG
  • GRP GmbH
  • Labgene Scientific SA
  • LubioScience GmbH
  • Vitaris AG
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