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DeNovix DS11-FX


DeNovix DS11-FX

The DS-11 FX Series instrument rapidly quantifies over seven orders of magnitude of nucleic acids and protein samples selecting your choice of UV-Vis or Fluorescent modes.

The only all-in-one absorbance and fluorescence design !

Equip your lab for today’s quantification requirements and for future assay challenges. The choice of microvolume or cuvette absorbance and fluorescence methods delivers unmatched flexibility and dynamic range. Coupled with the DeNovix dsDNA quantification assays, a range of 0.5 pg/µl to 37,500 ng/µl can be rapidly measured.

Features :
– The only all-in-one absorbance and fluorescence design
– Most sensitive 1 µl UV-Vis available
– Broadest dynamic range
– Stand-alone (no PC required)
– Maintenance and calibration free

Delivery time: 3-4 weeks

Price on request

Warranty time: 2 years

Technical Data/Specs

Spectrophotometer microvolume mode
Minimum sample size: 0.5 µl
Pathlength: 0.5 mm (auto ranging to 0.02 mm)
Light source: Pulsed Xenon flash lamp
Detector type: 2,048 element CCD
Wavelength range: 190-840 nm
Wavelength accuracy: 0.5 nm
Spectral resolution: 1.5 nm (FWHM at Hg 253.7 nm)
Absorbance precision: 0.015 AU (1 cm), or 1%, whichever is greater
Absorbance accuracy: 1.5% at 0.75 AU at 260 nm
Absorbance range: 0.015 – 750 (1 cm equivalent)
Detection limit: 0.04 mg/ml BSA; 0.75 ng/µl dsDNA
Maximum concentration: 1,125 mg/ml BSA; 37,500 ng/µl dsDNA

Fluorometer mode
Light sources: UV LED (~375 nm), Blue LED (~470 nm), Green LED (~525 nm), Red LED (~635 nm) 
Excitation filters: UV: 361-389 nm, Blue: 442-497 nm, Green: 490-558 nm, Red: 613-662 nm
Emission filters: 435-485 nm, 514-567 nm, 565-650 nm, 665-740 nm
Detectors: Photodiode, detection range 300-1,000 nm
Tube type: 0.5 ml Real-Time thin-wall PCR tube (polypropylene)


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