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Richard-Reitzner-Allee 2

85540 Haar


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LABO at a glance

The LABO authors and editors report in a competent and user-oriented manner. They support laboratory professionals with practical tips for handling laboratory and analytical equipment, suggestions for quality assurance and quality control, as well as with the presentation of new instruments, methods and applications as well as IT solutions. The technical articles are practice oriented and take new trends into account. The editorial offering is supplemented by industry news, market overviews, tips, company portraits, interviews, management topics, and trade show and conference reports. LABO is read in the laboratories of the chemical, biotechnological and pharmaceutical industries, in state and private testing laboratories as well as in research institutions and universities.
LABO reaches its target group in a cross-media and networked manner. With the trade magazine, the web portal, the newsletters, social media channels and events, LABO is always present with information and solution-oriented decision-making aids ...
The LABO authors and editors report in a competent and user-oriented manner. They support laboratory professionals with practical tips for handling laboratory and analytical equipment, suggestions for quality assurance and quality control, as well as with the presentation of new instruments, methods and applications as well as IT solutions. The technical articles are practice oriented and take new trends into account. The editorial offering is supplemented by industry news, market overviews, tips, company portraits, interviews, management topics, and trade show and conference reports. LABO is read in the laboratories of the chemical, biotechnological and pharmaceutical industries, in state and private testing laboratories as well as in research institutions and universities.
LABO reaches its target group in a cross-media and networked manner. With the trade magazine, the web portal, the newsletters, social media channels and events, LABO is always present with information and solution-oriented decision-making aids to its target group.
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