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Technobis Crystallization Systems
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Pyrietstraat 2

1812 SC Alkmaar


Technobis Crystallization Systems at a glance

Technobis Crystallization Systems is a world leading technology provider for solid-state research, process development and formulation. Our mission is to help research succeed.
With the Technobis Crystallization Systems workflow, containing the CrystalBreeder, Crystal16 and Crystalline, scientists are now able to perform well controlled crystallization studies from hit and lead identification up through process scale up and formulation.
Since 2005, our platforms for accelerating crystallization research have been successfully developed and installed in nearly every pharmaceutical research lab in the world. We have over 600 instrument units in the field, empowering a large community of scientists to make a significant contribution to the accelerated development of new pharmaceuticals. In the last few years, we have developed new applications in agrochemical, fine chemical, (bio) fuel research, food and personal care, creating new markets focused on understanding the importance of crystallization research.


  • Camera
  • Crystallization System
  • Overhead stirrer
  • Particle analyzers general
  • Particle size distribution analyzer
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  • Technobis Crystallization Systems
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