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CO2 Analyzer

A CO2 analyzer or meter is a measuring device with a gas sensor that is used to display the level of carbon dioxide (abbreviated CO2) in the air. CO2 meters display the level of carbon dioxide content in different colors. In distinction to this, CO2 meters only serve to signal the exceeding of a predefined threshold.

CO2 Analyzer
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A CO2 analyzer or meter is a measuring device with a gas sensor that is used to display the level of carbon dioxide (abbreviated CO2) in the air. CO2 meters display the level of carbon dioxide content in different colors. In distinction to this, CO2 meters…
A CO2 analyzer or meter is a measuring device with a gas sensor that is used to display the level…


The following suppliers offer CO2 Analyzer products.

  • Anton Paar Switzerland AG
  • Avantor – VWR International GmbH
  • Huberlab AG
  • Labgene Scientific SA
  • Labocare AG
  • Milian SA
  • Sanität24 AG
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific (Schweiz) AG
  • Vitaris AG
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