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Microscopes - Stereomicroscope & Macroscope

Macroscopy more or less covers magnification up to 10 times. It is comparable with magnifying glass magnification. The beam path of a macroscope is centric and viewing a three-dimensional optical magnification of the real image is therefore not possible. For this reason, macroscopes are mostly used for photography and less for preparative work in research. This is in contrast to a stereomicroscope (or stereoscope), which has two separate beam paths for each eye. A stereomicroscope thus allows viewing of a three-dimensional/spatial optical magnification of the real image and is therefore more suitable for preparative work in research.

Microscopes - Stereomicroscope & Macroscope
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Macroscopy more or less covers magnification up to 10 times. It is comparable with magnifying glass magnification. The beam path of a macroscope is centric and viewing a three-dimensional optical magnification of the real image is therefore not possible. For this reason, macroscopes are mostly used…
Macroscopy more or less covers magnification up to 10 times. It is comparable with magnifying glass magnification. The beam path…


The following suppliers offer Microscopes - Stereomicroscope & Macroscope products.

  • Avantor – VWR International GmbH
  • Huberlab AG
  • Milian SA
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