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Pipette holder

With a pipette holder, you bring order to your laboratory. A pipette holder is a device or a type of stand (pipette stand) for storing pipettes properly and in an orderly manner. Also for technical reasons, your pipette should be stored in an upright position to avoid cross-contamination from tables or workbenches.

Pipette holder
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With a pipette holder, you bring order to your laboratory. A pipette holder is a device or a type of stand (pipette stand) for storing pipettes properly and in an orderly manner. Also for technical reasons, your pipette should be stored in an upright position to…
With a pipette holder, you bring order to your laboratory. A pipette holder is a device or a type of…


The following suppliers offer Pipette holder products.

  • Avantor – VWR International GmbH
  • Chemie Brunschwig AG
  • Huberlab AG
  • Integra Biosciences AG
  • Milian SA
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific (Schweiz) AG
  • Vitaris AG
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