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Dispersers and also homogenizers are laboratory devices that are used, for example, for suspending, emulsifying, dispersing or also homogenizing tissue samples in biotechnology, preparing samples in medicine or in the food industry. Dispersers are also used in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, paint and coatings production, and in the petrochemical industry. Depending on the dispersion method, number, size or nature of the material, a choice can be made between different dispersers and dispersing systems from different manufacturers. Dispersing is the homogenization of substances or also the optimal mixing. Dispersion achieves the ideal state of individually present primary particles that are wetted with binder.

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Dispersers and also homogenizers are laboratory devices that are used, for example, for suspending, emulsifying, dispersing or also homogenizing tissue samples in biotechnology, preparing samples in medicine or in the food industry. Dispersers are also used in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, paint and coatings production, and in the…
Dispersers and also homogenizers are laboratory devices that are used, for example, for suspending, emulsifying, dispersing or also homogenizing tissue…


The following suppliers offer Disperser products.

  • Avantor – VWR International GmbH
  • Huberlab AG
  • Milian SA
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific (Schweiz) AG
  • Vitaris AG
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