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Particle analyzers general

Particle characterization – systems for particle size and shape analysis. In the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, particle size and shape, but also e.g. charge and color and thus particle characterization are the focus of interest. Dynamic image analysis (DIA), static laser light scattering (SLS, also known as laser diffraction) and sieve analysis are the most common methods for particle size measurement. Each method has a characteristic size range in which measurements are possible. These measurement ranges partially overlap. Particle measurement systems are often additionally equipped with dispersing units.

Particle analyzers general
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Particle characterization – systems for particle size and shape analysis. In the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, particle size and shape, but also e.g. charge and color and thus particle characterization are the focus of interest. Dynamic image analysis (DIA), static laser light scattering (SLS, also known…
Particle characterization – systems for particle size and shape analysis. In the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, particle size and shape,…


The following suppliers offer Particle analyzers general products.

  • Anton Paar Switzerland AG
  • Avantor – VWR International GmbH
  • Beckman Coulter Int. S.A.
  • Instrumat AG
  • Renggli AG
  • Technobis Crystallization Systems
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific (Schweiz) AG
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